1933 Miami Beach
Miami Beach, FL, 1933

Races for stock runabouts included events for 825 cubic inch class, 325 cubic inch class and a runabout free-for-all. The 325 cubic inch class race was won by Prigg 12, a stock Prigg boat driven by the wife of the builder. Jack Rutherfurd, well known sportsman who scores so often in events of this kind, took over the boys in the 825 cubic inch class with his Chris-Craft Why Not, Chris-Craft driven by E. R. Jones of Miami was second. Jones in Whoop-to-doo beat Mrs. Rutherfurd, by way of retaliation, in the 700 cubic inch class event by only a few feet. The runabout free-for-all was taken over by Rutherford with E. R. Jones in second place again. Capt. J. B. McIvar was third, driving D Three.

After the runabout events a grand free-for-all for all craft was run off and this was easily a walk-over for Imp, Jack Rutherford's snappy Gold Cup craft. Jones was again second with his Chris-Craft.

An express cruiser handicap called forth a goodly number of entries and Panacea, a 36-footer designed by Grebe and powered with a six-cylinder Sterling, won. This cruiser is owned by Roy Savary of Punta Gorda, Florida. D Two, driven by Captain McIvar, scratch boat, was second. Third place was taken by Bonnie Jean III, owned by H. W. Scott of Bayside, New York.

(Excerpted from The Rudder, May 1933)

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